Pesticides responsible for the disappearance of bees

Recent U.S. research found that pesticides make honeybees more vulnerable to disease, the link between a new set of chemicals and the recent collapse in the numbers of bees.This research concluded, which Oamit him unveiled in a new film about the disappearance of bees, that exposure to small doses of pesticides that are known as "Naonicotnoidz - neonicotinoids" make bees more susceptible to disease. This is used chemicals that mimic the properties of nicotine deadly to insects, widely in the United Kingdom on ornamental plants and other crops such as wheat.She drew the British newspaper The Telegraph in this regard that the community on maintaining the bees already now divided on the use of pesticides, and that study came to reinforce demands that had previously called for a ban on the pesticide in Britain. It is worth mentioning that the number of honey bees have declined globally in recent years, which has led to the emergence of concerns about food security, at a time where bees play a vital role in the pollination of many major crops.However, British scientists attributed the decline in bee numbers to several factors, such as illness or lack of adequate food sources in the countryside, and went emphasize the need for further research, before loading pesticides responsible for the occurrence of such phenomenon. Pesticides are used "Naonicotnoidz" widely during the last ten years at least. The pesticide is usually used as a seed dressing and absorbed the entire plant system during the stages of growth. It is what makes the plant toxic to some insects if you eat means the plant. It was clear from the research conducted by a team of scientists at the Bee Research Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture (USDA), that exposure to small doses of pesticides "Naonicotnoidz" increases the risk of exposure of bees to die. In this regard, said Matt Hardlo, from one of the charities on the preservation of insects, most deaths suffered by bees in the United Kingdom be caused by diseases.He also pointed out that this latest research raises concern, because it is likely to be pesticides of the factors that lead to a decrease in the number of bees. At a time when doubts are raised about the use of chemicals, student Hardlo need to ban them. While Norman said Carrick, scientific director of the International Union for bee research, that there was no sufficient evidence to link directly to retreat insecticides made in the numbers of bees. The newspaper quoted him in this regard, saying "there is a consensus that there is no one thing is responsible for the decline numbers. Valavat and diseases appear to be key factors, while pesticides apparently comes at the bottom of the list of factors causing it."He explained Dr. Julian Little, from Bayer CropScience, which is the main manufacturer of pesticides "Naonicotnoidz", that the recent American research has not been published or review compared with similar research. He said that the proper scientific studies, which was ratified by the government, has proved that Pesticides Naonicotnoidz El does not hurt the bees and other insects, if properly applied.

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