innormale Horloge


Find it sells on the side of the road at the cheapest Price does not exceed the maximum 2 dinars and cases of people do not pay her attention because time does not mean anything to himOr because his laptop making dhikr enables the purchase of an hourThe technical and scientific masterpiece is a quartz clockThe up divided accuracy of the time to the loss of one second in 6 years

May sometimes be found hanging in the departments and institutions ... But we never wonder about the scientific phenomenon behind accomplished

----Scientific Committee on the phenomenon is the piézoélectricitéThey are known for substances that when subjected to mechanical pressure to become electrically charged and vice versaI mean when we show these materials to electrical charge ... Turning the latter into mechanical vibrations ... in the two case can not be separated any they correct
this is the property possessed by certain body to electrically polarize under the action of mechanical stress and vice versa to deform when an electric field is applied to them.

The two effects are inseparable

Let's take the example of quartz which releases electrical discharges / slim / when it is exposed to pressure
Reversible process when we pass stream tension of quartz answer this latter reaction represented in des vibrations, but provided that this is compatible with the current fréquence de résonanceSpecial quartz, which sets it apart from the rest of the materials or polycrystalline les cristaux

Phenomenon discovered before curie Brotherhood and two pierre et jacqueYear 1880 and was first activated in the field of watches and time in 1918le premier oscillateur électronique stabilisé par un cristal de quartzAnd the process is as follows
axe x = axe électriqueaxe y = axe mécanique

The deformation change according to the y-axis
/ Axe mecanique /ce qui va le faire osciller et créer une tension sinusoïdaleWobbling streamon obtient un signal sinusoïdal de même fréquence 32768HzWhat will happen, there are some circuits cercuit will dividing the oscillation14 times over two to get the pulse 2 hz/ 1 hz = cycles per second /And that is falling then converted to mechanical movement to move the clockOr to the electrical impulses to reach the screen then cristaux liquideTo display the time accuratelyBut there are other more accurate materials and the percentage loss of time for them = 1 second every 3000 yearsHere we are talking about the quartz and but on the césuim theabsorbe ou émet de l'énergie à une fréquence plus précise que celle du quartzAnd is used in ultra-precision atomic clockshorloge atomique

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