Soil contamination and methods of treatment


Pollution is the presence of any of the substances in the environment in quantities of contaminated lead directly or indirectly to disrupt ecosystems and prejudice.And pollution is a problem era where progress that I knew and what the industry factories of solid waste especially for soil transmitted contributing to demolish the system environment.
Of the most important pollutants soil attractions:1. Heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium cadmium and zinc (Zn)2. Persistent organic pollutants such as oils3. Toxic gases such as methane, methane and carbon dioxide CO24. Carcinogens5. Radioactive elements such as Uranium and Cesium
There are many ways to contaminated soil reclamation most important soil washing, evaporation of volatile chemicals, gravity separation, chemical treatment ... But all remain financially expensive and of limited effectiveness.Researchers recently began using a new inexpensive way to get rid of contaminants are in bioremediation ‪ BioremediationThey take advantage of the process of representation of ‪ metabolisme bacterien bacterialOr the ability of some plants to absorb huge amounts of pollutants or what is expressed reclamation plant PhytoremediationIllustration for Phytoremediation

Phytoremediation is divided into many processes perhaps the most important:1. Absorption of hazardous substances from soil and its concentration in the plant biomass Phytoextraction2. Remove the material from the soil or water with the launch in the airPhytovolatilization3. Limit the movement of elements in the environment by installing and reduce leakage phytostabilization
There are many plants with high capacity to absorb hazardous materials calls it a label Plantes hyperaccumulatrices
Some examples:1. Sunflower, Helianthus annuus: characterized by sunflower ‪ ‬ Bozharh large radial which rotates with the sun wherever it took place; therefore called Thus, cultured Couches Accessories, and eaten seeds Kmslaat owns the plant the ability to absorb heavy metals and radioactive material and its concentration in the leaves, it is used in Clean soil from Uranium in Chernobyl

Indian mustard ‬ Indian mustard / Brassica junceaAnd have the ability to absorb bullets

3. AmaranthusSex vegetarian follows platoon and Brocade is a genus of flowers, also known as "love die bleeding"Was used in medieval times to stop the bleeding. Characterized by their leaves in black, purple, red and gold. Have the ability to store extremely high amounts of radioactive elements in the leaves.

Sorghum bicolorThey sorghum: can absorb some of the heavy metals.

The benefits of phytoremediation: inexpensive, can be controlled in the plant which absorbed pollutants such as incineration.Passivity that it takes a long time sometimes.

Catabolisme: cracking is the process of organic compounds, whether or metal or other small molecules through a set of interactions.
Anabolisme: is the use of simple molecules resulting from the demolition of a nucleus to build more complex materials, whether protein or nucleic acid through a series of interactions in order to build tissue and consume energy in these interactions.
Together Akunan what called metabolisme a set of interactions that occur in living organisms and cells that are assisted enzymatic factors and the purpose of these operations is to obtain energy or tissue building.
Plantes hyperaccumulatrices: the term given to a group of plants that belong to the group far apart but share many characteristics notably the ability to grow in soils with a high concentration of minerals or contaminated. With the characteristic absorption and high concentration of these metals and pollutants in the upper parts of the plant in particular.

Three characteristics distinguish this product from the plant from the other: the rate of absorption is very large, a quick exchange to absorb between plant roots and the upper parts and the ability to convert metals and toxins and stored in the leaves.
Among the points of interest in research physiological comparison between these and other plants is that these plants are characterized by some of the genes that play a major role in the absorption of heavy metals and toxins.
As for the process of extraction or absorption of the plant to these toxins they are through three main phases:
1 ‪. ‬ absorption of minerals or toxins through chemical compounds fired roots called les chelateurs,
2 ‪. ‬ included or lapse absorbed the plant to the top of the through wooden vascular tissue or xyleme
3 ‪. ‬ conversion process and storage in the leaves in the vacuole or membrane.

With regard to metabolisme minerals in the upper parts of the so-called organes puits
It usually boils down to in the process of installation of these metals with the so-called des ligands are usually found in the leaves of the plant such as proteines, polysaccharides ...
The purpose of this operation is to protect the private process of photosynthesis and places metaboliquement actifs.

Among other contaminants that can be of these plants is absorbed Trichloroethylene
Which is used as an industrial solvent and can be present in the soil, causing contamination. Known for this organic compound that is chemically stable. Therefore, the process to convert ‪ metabolisme ‬ to compose volatile in the leaves of the plant when absorbed be the most important phase to get rid of it in the air.

Modified organisms or genetically modified organisms are organisms genetic material has been modified by genetic engineering techniques. They are mainly used in scientific research. The process of introducing new genes modification or deletion of genes present in the genetic heritage. Genetic modification includes animals, plants and bacteria.With regard to genetically modified plant, the most prominent use remains the improvement of agricultural crops and provide food. However, recently it has been used in the field of phytoremediationThere are many examples, and will touch on the most prominent.There when some bacteria , the called nitroreductase play a role in shorthand TNTResearchers isolate and study the genes controlling the this Alandzima and insert into the tobacco plant. Modified plants have shown great capacity to resist and absorb and remove toxins TNTAmong other tests of the genetically modified plant and its application in clean soil what he is doing now researchers users sunflower plant. This plant is known for her ability to absorb large element potassium. If we knew that the element cesium has similar characteristics with potassium and both following, a metaux alcalains and also pollution large agricultural land b Cesium radioactive ‪, ‬ the research focused on the modification of plant sunflower introducing genes help increase the absorption of such elements in the hope of cleaning soil radioactive material, which is currently being tested in the Fukushima areaImage to field experiments used the sunflower plant genetically modified.
The experience of other unique summed up in modulating Sorghum plant where it was noted that this plant in nature attracts many insects that feed on leaves. So when you use this plant in soil cleaning the toxins that are absorbed can be transmitted to and from insects to the rest of the organisms that feed on insects and down to the man through the so-called chaine alimentaireIn this context, the researchers adjusted the some types of this plant to enter the genes responsible for making the plant produces very unpleasant odors to keep insectsThere are many, many examples, but I will just so much to avoid prolonging


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