phenomenon is also called as the polar dawn or northern lights, which
is one of the most fascinating phenomena picturesque that Tbherna nature
at all!These
deals have been amazing optical mystery baffles scientists for so long
that NASA was able to solve this mystery using five satellites to
discover that the reason is as follows:Those
dazzling colors result from the interaction of charged particles
powered portable with the solar wind with gases in the upper layers of
the atmosphere.What is the source of these particles? .. It
is the sun that is the source of energy in the solar system and
surrounded by fields of energy is growing gradually to reach the peak of
its cycle every 11 years are given stream blistering of charged
particles, where it appears on the surface of the sun is known spots
solar and is the brand's clear solar activity, accompanied these spots
explosions on
the surface of the sun know Balentoat, is responsible for sending
charged atomic particles (protons, electrons, hydrogen, helium .....)
and also rays (Sunni, gamma, ultraviolet) these particles withstand wind
surging rapidly to reach the parties to the solar system even hit the
ground directly to these particles to find life on Earth as we know it, what protects the earth?He
atmospheric magnetic surrounded by land, the land is a piece of
magnetic high pole north of another southern two lines of magnetic
forces that are moving from the South Pole toward the North Pole, ending
with a colon poles Amonatisien, as a result of the solar wind
coming compressed magnetic field lines sharply in terms of the sun and
stretching direction the
opposite problem trail magnetically long stretches hundreds of
thousands of kilometers, and upon the arrival of charged particles
located in the families of the magnetic field Vtbda movement spiral
shape in two Qreptan the poles Amonatisien where hurtling electrons to
the east and protons west around the earth problem Hzamat called belts
Van Allen (relative to the physical world, the Allen)
and the first belt is a small, nearby and consists of high-energy
protons, the second largest and beyond, and consists of electrons and
Brortunat the low energy. When
intense solar activity Temtly belts Van Allen particles charged and as a
result of the speed with which it is moving out of these particles,
what to reach points poles continue to penetrate that region, which is
the intersection of ionospheric land particulate Almnfelh of belts, so he gave us form oval around the magnetic pole is called scale auroral Valglaf
ionic component of the various elements, particularly the (nitrogen.
oxygen. hydrogen .....) interact with the particles coming Vtaathaj
electrons into orbits higher energy and her return emerge colors bright
radiant is aurora borealis and colors that we see blue and violet be
responsible with them gas nitrogen, green and red oxygen
gas, in addition to other colors are stunning, and in the case of
increased solar activity extending auroral range toward the equator,
where this can be seen in many scenic areas.There
are activities and scientific research to predict the wind, solar like
activities, weather forecasting, and held scientific project a huge
position yoke and C with the participation of Britain, France, Germany,
Norway, Sweden and Finland uses the antennas giant installed on panels
large reception to collect information from the lights Arctic, line up
those panels to cover larger
space as possible in the sky and sends transmitters waves of
high-frequency reflected when colliding electrons in ionospheric ground
and rebounding part of those waves back to the ground radar to analyze
how to respond gases to reach the stream of charged particles, are also
collected some information from space probes orbiting the sun .Scientists
are still hoping to take advantage of that information to understand
space weather and phenomena Djiumgnatisah the better.
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