Soil contamination and methods of treatment

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Pollution is the presence of any of the substances in the environment in quantities of contaminated lead directly or indirectly to disrupt ecosystems and prejudice.And pollution is a problem era where progress that I knew and what the industry factories of solid waste especially for soil transmitted contributing to demolish the system environment.

Pesticides responsible for the disappearance of bees

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Recent U.S. research found that pesticides make honeybees more vulnerable to disease, the link between a new set of chemicals and the recent collapse in the numbers of bees.This research concluded, which Oamit him unveiled in a new film about the disappearance of bees, that exposure to small doses of pesticides that are known as "Naonicotnoidz - neonicotinoids" make bees more susceptible to disease.

innormale Horloge

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Find it sells on the side of the road at the cheapest Price does not exceed the maximum 2 dinars and cases of people do not pay her attention because time does not mean anything to himOr because his laptop making dhikr enables the purchase of an hourThe technical and scientific masterpiece is a quartz clockThe up divided accuracy of the time to the loss of one second in 6 years

The effects of toxins on organisms

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Toxicology or Toxicologie is aware interested in studying the effects of chemicals on living organisms and essentially depends on many of Other Kalpjuloggio, science, chemistry and medicine.Focuses researchers in toxicology to study the side effects of toxic substances on the human body through ‪: ‬ identify the types of toxic substances, identifiable étiologie, ways and methods that make organisms exposed ‪, ‬ impact on these objects and their surroundings, searching for ways to avoiding risks voies d'élimination ou antidotes

The oldest and the most recent data for the study of climate change

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Constantly follow the weather. We want to know you will be warm or cold, wet or dry. But what about the weather conditions over the long term?When we say the word air instead of the word weather? What is the boundary between the two?Adam Scaife, head of the Meteorological Office, Hadley Centre says: "Nothing allows us to talk about an exceptional season or exceptionally month because of climate change. This is not possible because there is chaos in the air

NASA tracks the asteroids that endangered Earth

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Launched the U.S. space agency NASA Tuesday broad campaign among scientists and astronomy enthusiasts to help keep track of all the asteroids that may be approaching space of the land problem a threat to life on its surface, and to develop ways to protect the planet from these objects.This initiative comes in the framework of the "major challenges" launched by the White House, which is a set of ambitious goals at the national and international level.

The phenomenon of aurora borealis

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This phenomenon is also called as the polar dawn or northern lights, which is one of the most fascinating phenomena picturesque that Tbherna nature at all!These deals have been amazing optical mystery baffles scientists for so long that NASA was able to solve this mystery using five satellites to discover that the reason is as follows:Those dazzling colors result from the interaction of charged particles powered portable with the solar wind with gases in the upper layers of the atmosphere